Cheltenham 9583 4000
Frankston 8707 0830
Mt ELIZA 1300 776 055
Conservative and surgical management options
Ingrowing toenails develop for a number of reasons. Incorrect nail cutting, tight or inappropriate footwear or direct trauma. There are people that have a tendency to develop painful ingrowing toenails due to their family's nail shape (hereditary).
Treatment for ingrowing toenails can be conservative, involving reduction of the offending nail edge/spike and packing the side of the nail to aid correct growth.
More severe cases that may be inflamed, infected or continue to develop may require a minor surgical procedure to remove the offending portion of nail and prevent it from regrowing. This is performed at the clinic by the podiatrist under local anaesthetic.
Ask your podiatrist for the best option for treating your ingrowing nails.