Ouch! - My Heel Hurts
Heel pain is the most common condition podiatrists assess and treat. It is estimated that over 17% of the population will suffer from heel pain at some stage of their life. Our patients complain about the following symptoms when they talk about their heel pain:
> Sharp, stabbing pains in the heel or arch when they get out of bed > Biting heel pain after sitting > Dull aches after exercise or prolonged standing
The good news is most heel pain can be treated by performing a few simple exercises. But lets be clear about what we are talking about:
This condition is commonly referred to as plantar fasciitis, runners heel or heel spurs. Plantar fasciosis is a degenerative condition of the collagen fibres in the plantar fascia which attaches to the heel and spans the arch to the toes. It becomes irritated, weak and torn when placed under more strain and load than it can handle. Walking becomes painful, running almost impossible and even standing for any length of time can generate unbearable pain. First thing out of bed or after prolonged sitting is generally the worst and forces people to limp and hobble around until the pain eases or "warms up". This condition is common to runners, nurses, cooks and to be honest - anyone that is on their feet for long periods of time. People who start an exercise regime after a long break from exercise develop plantar fasciosis, as do dancers, office workers and teachers. I guess what I am saying is that no one is immune from this condition.
But thankfully, there are some simple home remedies you can employ that will dramatically reduce your symptoms and go along way to healing the affected heel. You can download a copy of the "Heel Pain Guide" which outlines 6 simple exercises you can do at home to start the healing process. For some people, home treatment is not enough and a management plan from your podiatrist is required. This can involve footwear changes, stretching programs, strengthening programs, dry needling, massage therapy, taping, custom foot orthotics and prolotherapy. The idea being to offload the affected plantar fascia and promote healing of the damaged soft tissue. Don't put up with heel pain and think it will just go away. Get stuck into the home exercise program you can download here and if your symptoms do not improve or are more serious contact Base Podiatry and make a time to see one of our experienced team. A proper diagnosis and treatment plan for your condition is so important to get you back on your feet and to stop you thinking about your next painful step!
Base Podiatry Offices are in:
CHELTENHAM located at CPC Health Ph: 9583 4000
FRANKSTON located at Active One Health Group Ph: 8707 0830
MT ELIZA located at Village Clinic Ph: 9787 4999
For further information email us at mark@basepodiatry.com.au
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