Wide feet? Get a good fit with Dr Comfort.
As Base Podiatry we see feet of all shapes and sizes. One of the biggest questions we answer is - "what shoes are right for me?". More often than not a list of comparable shoes from different manufacturers is offered and patients are free to choose a style that they like within the boundaries of that list. These are standard fitting shoes from major manufacturers and some smaller ones that offer a more fashionable approach to stable, well fitting and supportive footwear. On occasion some people's feet are so wide or swollen that they cannot fit into standard size footwear and require something a bit more accommodating. If this is you, you're in luck!
Base Podiatry offers a range of extra depth and extra width footwear from Dr Comfort. This range is extremely useful for our patients that have:
swollen feet and legs
clawed toes
painful bunions
recurring corns or callous from tight shoes
AFO's or braces
naturally wider and deeper feet than standard sizing can accommodate
And to be honest they aren't all bad in the fashion stakes as well. A range of styles are available in men's and women's plus multiple width and depth fittings. Slippers and sandal options are also available that can accommodate orthotics and your foot issues. Let's be honest custom extra depth shoes can cost well in excess of $500. Most styles from Dr Comfort are reasonably priced at $250 , with sandal options $140 and slippers $90. The podiatrists at Base Podiatry are able to fit you with the correct fit and style to suit your work, lifestyle and fashion sense. We have had great success with Dr Comfort over the years and enabled people that would otherwise squeeze into the wrong shoe another alternative for comfy feet.
If you are finding it difficult to fit into standard shoes because of the shape of your feet, Dr Comfort might be the answer. Make a time with one of our podiatrists to have your feet assessed and footwear options discussed.
Available at Cheltenham 9583 4000 and Frankston 8707 0830